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Cheesecake Therapy – Book Excerpt

June 3, 2010

Our dearest Glambertina, Gloria from requested this story to celebrate the One Year Anniversary of Allegra’s Huston’s article “What is it About Adam Lambert?” which appeared on the website on June 3rd 2009 and subsequently changed the lives of many women who came to be known as the Glambertinas.

Excerpt from On the Meaning of Adam Lambert

Chapter 5  Avatar

by Xena

Trying to console ourselves with cheesecake at The Cheesecake Factory and some retail therapy, Thelma, Louise* and I stop at a mall, but it doesn’t work very well.  I arrive to find the other two seated at a plush, curved banquette, wood topped with mirrors, marble table and in a room reminiscent of a Minoan or Samoan? castle – where are the ostrich feathers?

Oh, no!  Lots of great things can happen on a banquette – a leg massage, a break from the dance floor to adjust a dress, champagne, a little handholding an intimate chat in a dark corner where no one can see who is kissing whom.  The marble table – it’s cooling when you get hot, it holds the strawberries, warm chocolate, whipped cream and candles.

Well, it’s too late to change now, so we just have to force ourselves to sit at that table – with our Adam imaginings in our minds.  Gloria only adds to my torture, by laying her travelling “outdoor” Adam framed photo on each table, where ever we go.

Cheesecake – a staple of the women’s comfort food menu and like the cup the knights shared to bond before battle, we order one piece with three forks.  But Gloria has a little scheme – she has ordered a Chocolate Silk Tuxedo – and instructions on “how” to eat this.

So, a chocolate silk tuxedo – sounds like men’s apparel – do we smear it on our bodies? No, we take our fork and with the tines at a perpendicular angle to the plate, slide it down, stripping off a sliver with four layers and a froth of whipped cream on top.  Whipped cream end first, the long, narrow pièce de résistance is inserted into the mouth, leave a little behind on the lips to lick up later, tongue protruding to catch each crumb and convey the sweet, smooth morsel as far as it can go and close your lips around it.  It seems to expand to  a satisfying fill from cheek to cheek, hold it gently in place to melt, liquefy and trickle down the throat.  Repeat until the entire piece has been consumed.  The three of us were sliding off the banquette by then.

This is the real Chocolate Tuxedo Cream Cheesecake

*Gloria and Priscilla

3 Comments leave one →
  1. June 3, 2010 6:24 am

    Xena, what precipitated the need for cheesecake therapy? Oh, right, it’s all in za book!! That was quite a tale. I laughed until I was weeping. – Juneau

    • June 3, 2010 1:00 pm

      The cheesecake and retail therapy became necessary after a major disappointment in Syracuse, but the restaurant was only part of the story, then there’s the retail! The usual Xena disaster.


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